Egg white / corn flour: 1 tsp
Water 1 tablespoon
Whole blanched almonds: 3 cups
Sugar: 2 tbs
Ground cumin: 2 tsp
Ground coriander: 1 tsp
Coarse salt: 2 tsp
Ground red pepper: 1 ½ tsp
Preheat the oven to 135 degrees; line a sided sheet pan with parchment paper. Whisk egg white and water together until foamy. Add almonds and toss to coat. Transfer almonds to a sieve, toss gently and let drain. Stir together sugar, cumin, coariander, salt and red pepper. Add almonds and toss to coat thoroughly. Spread almonds on the sheet pan in a single layer; Bake for 30 min. Gently stir the almonds.Reduce the oven temperature to 90 degrees and continue to bake for 30 min, until almonds are dry and thoroughly roasted. Set aside to cool.
Almonds are rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, selenium which help to protect the skin. A handful of almonds provide body with 9 gms of monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, good fats that help to protect the skin cells.