1st week:
- Drink water kept overnight in a copper vessel .This strengthens the muscular system
- Drink ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water or hot milk daily
- Raw potato juice is good for relieving pain. One teaspoon should be taken before meals
- Massage with warm olive oil it is effective for pain
2nd week:
- A teaspoon of black sesame seeds soaked in ¼ of cup of water and kept overnight is effective in preventing frequent joint pains. The water in which the seeds are soaked should also be taken along with seeds the first thing in morning
- Mix fresh carrot juice with a lemon, and drink it everyday
- Guggul: Helpful in curing arthritis. Eat half a teaspoon twice a day after meals with warm water
- For external application, take one part of honey, 2 parts of lukewarm water and a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder, massage it on the painful part and find relief within minutes
- Walnuts are good for strengthening bones. Eat 3-4 empty stomach
3rd week:
- Also drink 2 teaspoon honey with a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of hot water morning and night to cure arthritis
- A cup of juice extracted from bitter guard should be mixed with a teaspoon of honey should be taken daily
- Application of warm coconut oil or mustard oil mixed with 2-3 pieces of camphor can be massages into warm and aching joints. The warmth produced increase blood supply and reduces inflammation and stiffness
- Take ½ teaspoon of fresh or powdered ginger every day to reduce pain
- An enzyme in fresh pineapple juice also reduces arthritic swelling and inflammation
4th week:
- Soak 1 teaspoon of methi seeds in a glass of water or Take 1-2 teaspoon of fenugreek powder in the morning with water empty stomach
- Drinking juice of carrots, cucumber and beet root is effective. This alkaline solution dissolves the accumulation of deposits around joints
- During acute pain alternate hot and cold compress to the joint relieves the pain
- Take garlic cloves daily; it has anti inflammatory effect.
Also read: General Self Care Tips in ARTHRITIS
Above tips can help any person to get some relief in Arthritis. Apart from the above lifestyle changes, taking some alternative treatment like homoeopathy medicines can speed up your the relief process and you get customised treatment and advise as per your work schedule and lifestyle. Whenever you need a consultation, feel free to fill the appointment form below or call us at 9560367628 for affordable and reliable homoeopathy treatmen
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