As the soup cools, the fat will rise to the top. Skim it off the surface for reduced fat content.
Cut high-calorie foods like cheese & chocolate into smaller pieces and only eat few pieces
- Carrot juice + beetroot juice+ spinach juice – excellent juice to treat anemia.
- Onion is known for its assimilable iron content, beneficial in treating anemia.
- Leafy vegetables: lettuce, spinach are Iron rich.
- Dried fruits – almonds, cashew nuts, dates, figs, raisins.
- Fenugreek seeds are rich in iron. Also cooked leaves are good for anemia.
- Fruits: apple, banana, mango are rich in Iron.
- Sunflower seeds: grounded is good source of iron.
- Honey: helps to build hemoglobin in the body due to its iron, cu, manganese contained in it.
DO’S & DON’TS for Anemia
- A diet rich in iron and vitamin B12.
- Iron rich food such as green leafy vegetables, walnuts, raisins, strawberries, apricots, wheat germ, jaggery, dates and liver.
- Food rich in vitamin B12 are dairy products, eggs, liver and kidneys.
- Do not take tea, coffee and colas with meals as they inhibit iron absorption.
- Vitamin C (Citrus fruits and juices) aids in iron absorption.
Healthy New Year 2015
Wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year 2015
Merry Christmas
Immunity Boost Package
Choose an activity that fits in to your daily life
Bicycle to the store instead of driving