Dietary Recommendations for treating PCOS
Eat whole grains – whole wheat flour, oats, Bajra, Ragi, Jowar
Fresh curd, paneer, sprouts, idli ( fermented , not instant) is priceless for ovaries and it is abundant in Vit B12.
Eat raw fruits and vegetables. Make sure seasonal fruit is a consumed once a day. Eating salad with meals is a must. Avoid drinking fruit juices. Also avoid high glycemic index fruits like Mango, banana, litchi. Fruit with a low GI value include: cherries, plums, grapefruit, apples, pears, apples, dried apricots, grapes, coconut, coconut milk, kiwi fruit, orange juice, prunes.
Eat green leafy vegetables. Avoid high glycemic veggies like – Potato, arbi, lotus stem.
Healthy fats found in nuts and seeds, oily fish, avocado, flaxseeds, Sunflower seeds, olive oil are to be incorporated into your diet.
Avoid soya and soya products. Soy has been implicated in delayed ovulation.
Cut down bad fats found in red meat, processed meats, instant food packets and deep fried things.
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Use spices instead of salt. Start by cutting salt in half
Eczema – Allergic Dermatitis
Do’s and Don’ts
- Avoid common allergic foods which include: eggs, soybeans, peanuts, wheat, oats, chocolates, dairy products like milk and cheese.
- Consume Omega 3 fatty acids: found in flaxseeds, seafood, walnuts, and grape seeds. Consume at least 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds daily.
- Vitamin A, C and E , selenium are excellent for eczema. Natural sources of vitamin A are glass of carrot or coriander juice. Yellow fruits like mango, papaya, cherries, and peaches are rich in these vitamins.
- Emphasize on greens: vegetables like methi, spinach, radish leaves, mustard leaves, sprouts provide essential nutrients.
- Fruits like pineapple, grapes, melons, papaya, pears are beneficial.
- Include pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds in your diet.
- If you are allergic to gluten avoid wheat, oats, and rye.
- Avoid dairy products as they are main culprits in aggravating eczema.
- Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water.
- Avoid excessive salt intake, it aggravates itching.
Plan some meals around a vegetable main dish, such as stir fry or soup. Then add other foods to complement it.
Migraine Do’s, Dont’s and Home Remedies
MIGRAINE Do’s and Dont’s
- Avoid stress learn how to cope with it. Yoga, meditation, regular moderate exercises help to relieve stress.
- Avoid foods which you think cause these problems. The common triggers of migraine are: cabbage, brinjal, pineapple, tomato, onion, potato, canned fish, wine , beer, smoked meat, chocolate, cheese, yogurt, bread and cakes. MSG salt , artificial sweeteners in jams and jellies.
- Maintain a food dairy and write down the food you consumed on a daily basis and the time and date you had migraine attack. Within a couple of weeks you will be able to find some correlation between your food item and migraine.
- Proper rest and sleep is a must for prevention.
- Eat meals at regular time.
- Do not over eat.
- Avoid overexertion.
- When going out in sun use an umbrella or dark glasses.
- Avoid pain killers and try to sleep it off.
- Regular exercises prevent attacks of migraine. As soon as a headache begins drink 3 glasses of very cold water and then with a cold pack go lie down in a dark quiet room without a pillow.
- Complete bed rest with minimal light, noise and odours help a lot.
- Avoid alcohol and smoking.
When you order fast food, take it home and put it on a plate. If you’re surprised at how full the plate looks, order smaller sizes next time
Food Items not permitted for Cough and Cold
Do’s and Don’ts
- Avoid contact with infected people. Avoid using or sharing personal belongings with them like towels, beverages, silver ware.
- Avoid dairy products like plain milk, curd, chaach, butter, cheese; Rice, Maida, banana because these will increase mucus in the respiratory system. You can take milk with ginger or dalchini. ( boil half inch grated ginger or pinch of dalchini powder in milk; strain and drink).
- Avoid spicy food.
- Drink plenty of fluids- lukewarm saline water, herbal tea, soups, vegetable juices.
- Take raw fruit and vegetable diet including garlic and onions, which help to reduce catarrh.
- Drink Clear chicken or Vegetable soup with lots of black pepper, ginger, garlic and onions keep sinuses open and reduces cold symptoms
- Lemon juice and Vitamin C in large doses may do some good in colds.
- Steam inhalations help to decongest the nose block due to cold. Take it at least 3 times a day.
- Take warm water gargles to soothe your throat.
- Do get fresh air – take a gentle walk as soon as you feel able to walk.
Do not cook while you are having cold.
Home Remedies for Cough and Cold
- In case of blocked nose, try gargling warm turmeric water for a minute and then blow your nose.
- Put 5-6 drops of eucalyptus oil or Olesan drops in 2 cups of water in your steamer and inhale .Do this 3-5 times
- For runny nose: ½ teaspoon of fresh ginger+ 5 basil leaves+ 5 black peppers + small piece of cinnamon in 2 cups of water , add misri to it, have this concoction 2 times a day.
Vitamin Supplements: Take Celin 500 (Vitamin C)( Adults) twice a day during cold.
Best Dietary tips for treating PSORIASIS