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9 Days of Yoga Vrikshasana
9 Days of Yoga – Virasana
1. Kneel down on the floor in a position that the thighs are perpendicular to the ground.
2. Inner thighs should be touching each other.
9 Days of Yoga – Navasana
1. Start by sitting on the mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hands on sides of your hips.
9 Days of Yoga – Padahastasana
1. Breathe in and lift your arms over your head with your arms touching your ears.
2. Breathe out and bend forward with the upper part of your body, keeping your back straight. Keep your legs straight with the weight of the body on the feet.
9 Days of Yoga – Dhanurasana
1. Lie down on your stomach with your arms on the side.
2. Bend your knees backwards as far as possible and try to touch the back of your hips.
9 Days of Yoga – Purvottanasana
1. Breathe in and place the hands on the floor behind the hips. Keep your fingers to be pointing toward the toes.
2. Inhale and move the head back. Push hips up towards the ceiling. Keep the legs straight with the soles touching the floor. Keep your arms straight and fully engaged.
3. Breathe out as you lower the hips to release the asana.
9 Days of Yoga Trikonasana
Day 03: Trikonasana
1. Stand straight. Separate your feet wide apart.
2. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in slightly.
3. Inhale and as you breathe out, bend your body to the right, downward from the hips and allow your left hand to move up in the air while right hand moves down towards floor. Keep both arms in one line.
4. Touch your right hand on your ankle or the floor outside your foot. Stretch your left arm upwards.
5. Don’t bend your body sideways, backward or forward.
6. Take long deep breaths and repeat the same on the other side.