Acne is a common human skin disease, characterized by areas of reddish skin, pinheads, nodules, pimples, and possibly scarring. Acne apart from little physical discomfort has psychological effects such as reduced self-esteem or depression.
In adolescence, acne is usually caused by an increase in androgens, which occurs during puberty. Acne more often affects skin with a greater number of oil glands like facial area.
- Wash your face frequently, atleast 5 times a day, taking care that it does not become too dry.
- Do not scrub your face while washing because scrubbing on inflamed skin aggravates the acne.
- Use a gentle cleanser made of natural ingredients or herbs rather than chemical preparations.
- Do not use scented soaps.
- Try not to apply cosmetics regularly or use non-greasy light make-up of repute.
- Do not sleep with your make-up on.
- Do not overexpose your skin to the sun. Preferably wear a hat while going out.
- Do not break your pimples else it will lead to secondary infection.
- Diet should be rich in natural whole foods like whole grain cereals, fresh fruit salads and vegetables raw or lightly cooked.
- Avoid fatty food, chocolate, ice cream, butter, cakes, white bread, sweets and fried food.
- Supplements of vitamin A and Zinc may be used.
- Drink at least 9-10 glasses of water per day for clear skin.
Also read: ACNE: Home Remedies
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